Archive for October 26th, 2009


Peja Spends a Night in Sienna West

New Orleans Hornet Peja Stojakovic is married to Greek model Aleka Kamila, who is, to be blunt, a fucking SMOKESHOW, so it makes perfect sense that while in LA on Friday he met up with Sienna West (right)(link very NSFW), an adult film star who tweeted all about their encounter. Now, I believe in being friendly to new acquaintances and I know things work differently in the adult film world, but when someone tweets:

It doesn’t leave much to imagination does it. Of course, today, Sienna’s twitter account seems to be deleted, despite having posted something as recently as 9 hours ago. Then again, there is also ANOTHER account named “therealwest” that hasn’t been updated since June, so it is possible this is all a scam by some bored twitter-nerd. Regardless, now you have an image of this man’s (left) penis in your brain.

Hey Aleka, if you ever want to get back at him, I’m here for you. We can make magic together.



Skip It!

It is hard enough to hit a hole-in-one, let alone to get one by skipping the ball across a water hazard and THEN dropping it in the hole. Well, Vijay Singh did just that this year at the Masters tournament. Sure you could be like, hey, it’s October and that was APRIL, get current, to which I’d respond, “yes, but golf is slow and boring and so it takes at least 6 months for interesting things to be noticed by me.”


Reggie Bush Can Fly

The six yard-line is a full 18 feet from the end zone; during yesterday’s stunning 22-point 4th quarter comeback, Reggie Bush of the Saints shows off his leaping ability, taking off from the 6 and scoring a pretty astonishing TD. It’s move like this that led to him being such a hot prospect out of the draft, unfortunately those moves haven’t translated to the field enough. This play though is ridiculous.


It’s Curtains for Booth

Have you ever taken a shoulder to the face from a hard-skating very large man that knocks you completely unconscious? Me either. I’d like to keep it that way. David Booth of the Florida Panthers might have been able to say he too had never experienced that, until Saturday that is. Booth has the puck in the middle of the ice and then Flyers captain Mike Richards comes flying in and sends Booth somewhere into the next decade.

Booth lay prone on the ice for several minutes before a stretcher took him off the ice and to the hospital for observation.

The Panthers were advocating a suspension for Richards, but the as of right now the Flyers captain looks like he’ll avoid that fate.


Don’t Be Coy — You Love Twin Cheerleaders

Marisa and Larisa Coy are busy during the week with their day jobs, teaching 6th grade math at two Baytown, TX middle schools, come Sundays, they are at Reliant Field in their duties as cheerleaders for the Texans. The twin 25-year-olds have been members of the Texans cheerleading squad for 5 years now, beating out 900 other young dancers at their first tryouts.

Since becoming Texans cheerleaders they’ve been featured in Sports Illustrated and the Texans cheerleader bikini calendar leading to some fun moments around the ol’ middle school.

“Most of the students already know, but others, when they first find out, they’re generally surprised,” Marisa said. “One of my students said ‘I’ve seen you before,’ so I had to tell him where he saw me.”

That has to be a difficult moment for a 6th grader to come face-to-face with the calendar image he’ s been abusing himself to and find out she’s also your new math teacher. Lord knows I’d have learned the FUCK out algebra though.

Larisa and Marisa Coy

[Houston Chronicle]


The Sanchise Puts a Meat Stick Down His Gullet

“Somebody offered one up, and I grabbed it,” Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez said. “I tried to be discreet about it, but obviously not discreet enough. So I shouldn’t do that. It won’t happen again.” His offense? The young quarterback was caught by CBS’ cameras mustarding up, and then chowing down on a hot dog during the game. Sure, playing the Raiders isn’t THAT challenging, but that seems to be really rubbing their noses in it.

“I want to apologize for that,” Sanchez said. “I just wasn’t feeling very good, couldn’t eat much before the game. I just felt a little queasy and stuff, and toward the end of the game, I probably should’ve eaten one of those bars or something.”



5-Year-Old Body Builder is in Much Better Shape Than You

Guiliano Stroe 1We’ve seen 80-year-old bodybuilders strutting their stuff and that was weird, now at the tender age of 5, Romanian Guiliano Stroe has entered the Guinness Book of Records for his own feats of strength, specifically the “fastest ever 10 m hand-walk with a weight ball between his legs,” done live on television. The six-packed 5-year-old has been going to the gym with his father Iulien since he was two and they work out together.

“He has been going to the gym with me ever since he was born,” Iulien said, “I always took him with me when I went training. I have been training hard all my life myself. He is never allowed to practice on his own, he is only a child and if he gets tired we go and play.”

When he’s not working out Guiliano, the oldest of 4 siblings, likes normal 5-year-old activities like watching cartoons, playing in the  park and painting.

Now, I scored 23 on the How Many 5-Year-Olds Could You Take in a Fight quiz, but if I had to face off against 23 Guiliano’s I think I’d get wrecked.

[Daily Mail]


Lightning Strikes Cause Disaster on African Soccer Fields

to-lightning-cp-w7147832During a recent soccer match in the Democratic Republic of Congo the game ended in an unsatisfying 1-1 tie due to an extremely unfortunate situation, the visiting team was killed! A bolt of lightning struck the entire visiting team, killing all 11 members and burning 30 other people.

L’Avenir, a  nearby paper reported that local popular opinion was split over whether the team had been cursed by someone.

“The athletes from [the home team] Basanga curiously came out of this catastrophe unscathed,” the paper said.

In Johannesburg, South Africa lighting ALSO struck the pitch over the weekend, with a number of players on both teams falling to the pitch. Fortunately there the players’ eyes and ears were injured but no one was killed.



Gay’s Movement Rode Roughshod Over

Vikings superstar running back Adrian Peterson is a man-beast, here he takes on Pittsburgh’s William Gay, lowers his shoulder and just fucking demolishes the defender. When he was coming out of high school it was said that Peterson might be the only player capable of going directly from high school to the pros; this is a man amongst boys situation right now, he’s just too good to stop.

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The Slanch Report has started an online petition asking the MLB Network to air the Dock Ellis no-hitter he threw on June 12, 1970 against the San Diego Padres. The moment was a seminal piece of baseball history and is certainly worthy of being rerun.

Please join us in this cause and sign the petition below so we can all share in this special and fantastic moment of baseball history. THANKS!

October 2009
