Archive for October 21st, 2009


Anvil Shooting is My New Favorite Sport

I wasn’t even aware that such a thing as anvil shooting existed, let alone that someone as awesome as Gay Wilkinson was the world champion. The sport consists, simply enough, of loading some black powder into an anvil, putting another on top and then lighting the fucker and letting the top anvil fly into the air. Gay says that he gets confused queries from women such as “why would you do this?” while men understand and just want to see it get launched. I know you don’t care about anything else I’ll say, here’s the video!



Goalie Masks are the Coolest Part of Hockey

Ray Emery Mask50 years ago Montreal Canadiens goalie Jacques Plante was forced off the ice after a shot hit him in the face, requiring 7 stitches to stop the bleeding. He refused to retake the ice if his coach didn’t allow him to wear the small plastic mask he had made to protect himself. With no backup, his coach had no choice.

If I played hockey I’d want to be a goalie so I could have an artist friend make me an incredibly dope mask (I bet commenter the roomate would make a sick one), of course, I also have no desire for 100+ mph shots to come towards me so I probably wouldn’t make a very good goalie…

Regardless, the folks over at TSN put together a gallery of some of the best masks on the ice this season and are holding a poll to see which one is the fans’ favorite. Here are the ones I like best. Make sure to head over to TSN after to see the rest of the awesome masks and to vote in their poll as well. Some of this year’s entrants include pop culture shout-outs, including Metallica, Heath Ledger’s Joker and Rocky Balboa as well as homages to the various cities the goalies play in and the team’s mascots.



Carlos Guillen Wants to Play 9

Carlos Guillen Leyland HugJim Leyland and his left fielder Carlos Guillen had a long phone conversation on Monday after Guillen made it known he didn’t want to continue playing left field. After the conversation Leyland told reporters that “We were talking a lot about playing time, about (his) playing 9 innings. There is absolutely no problem there. We talked for quite a while, Carlos wants to play and we want Carlos to play.”

Considering that Guillen has 2 years remaining on his contract and was pretty solid once he finally came back from injury late in the season, the Tigers can ill-afford to not have an effective Guillen on the field. Guillen apparently was dissatisfied with being removed late in games for a defensive replacement and wants to be playing the full game. Of course, since he moves like a 85-year-old three-time hip-replacement person, that doesn’t seem too likely.

Mostly though, I just really love this picture of he and Leyland sharing an awkward hug several years ago. Adorable!

[Detroit Free-Press]


I am Not this Smooth

I’d like to be a Cirque du Soleil performer, sure I don’t have anything like the agility, body-control or skills needed to do so, but so what. Here is a rehearsal video from the Cirque’s Dralion show featuring Oli Lemieux and some kick-ass moves on the trampoline.

[Hot Clicks]


Jeff Fisher Just Wants to Be a Part of a Winner

fisherJeff Fisher is the longest currently tenured NFL head coach, guiding the Oilers/Titans since 1994 so his loyalty to the franchise really shouldn’t be questioned. However, he did make the bizarre choice while attending a charity event, Rally for Rocketown at Lipscomb University, Fisher arrived on stage to introduce his friend and former Colts head coach Tony Dungy and wore a Peyton Manning Colts uniform.

While apparently people in Tennessee are calling for Fisher’s head now, I think first everyone needs to recognize that it was a charity event and a joke, even if Fisher told the crowd, “I just wanted to feel like a winner.” The man has ably served the Titans organization and isn’t likely to purposefully embarrass the franchise. That said, I don’t think we’d ever see Bill Belichick, or Tom Coughlin or Bill Cowher ever do anything like this. I’m not sure what kind of message this sends along to the Titans players, although, considering how miserably they’ve played, I’m sure they can appreciate the sentiment of wanting to be a part of something successful. Especially considering this past week’s demolishing at the hands of the Patriots.

fisher1[Last Angry Fan]


October 21 is One of the Greatest Days of the Year

RED-SOX-VICTORY__1224078695_6201Sure, 5 years ago technically the game began on October 20th, but it was after midnight when the final out (Ruben Sierra grounding out to second) was recorded and history was made. The Red Sox had conquered their Everest. Yes, the Sox still had to make their way through the Cardinals, but that proved to be no trouble. More importantly, it was the Yankees who had been the enemy, who had confounded Boston time after time, letting the Sox get tantalizingly close and then CRUSHING the dreams of a region.

All that changed with Alan Embree’s final pitch, Sierra’s weak grounder and the celebration was on. The most improbable comeback, against the hated powerful rivals was complete, the Boston Red Sox were going to the World Series and destiny was on their side.

Everything was different when they won. I remember when the final out was recorded into Doug Mientkiewicz’s glove I just raised my fist in victory, unable to talk, unable to move, the Red Sox were the WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS.

These days in October are precious, every playoff game is a gift, this year the gift was put away too early but that’s the way it goes sometimes. A sentiment I could never have expressed before the magic of 2004. For a 8 game stretch the Boston Red Sox played like gods, with carefree abandon, nothing to lose and everything to gain they did it. Today is the anniversary of one of the greatest victories in Boston history. Celebrate accordingly.


The Skipper Takes in a Show by the Boss

Joe Torre at Bruce SpringsteenLast night the Philadelphia Spectrum held one of its final concerts before it is due to be destroyed with Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band holding court. Among the thousands of attendees was one Joseph Paul Torre, manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, in town to battle the defending champs, the Philadelphia Phillies.

Torre’s appearance did not go unnoticed, whether it was the many phones taking photos of him (left) or when the crowd started chanting “BEAT LA.” Even Bruce got in on the action, during “Glory Days” at the line where Bruce says “I had a friend, was a big baseball player,” Bruce pointed to the Dodgers manager.

I think it’s safe to say that Torre much prefers THIS Boss as opposed to his previous employer George Steinbrenner, who, it should be noted, is a terrible Rock and Roll musician.

[The 700 Level]


Steve Phillips Puts the Screw to an ESPN Staffer


Former Mets GM and current ESPN baseball “analyst” Steve Phillips has been suspended by the WWL after details of an affair he had with a 22-year-old production assistant came out. The young lady, Brooke Hundley, apparently was distraught when Phillips broke things off with her and began calling and texting Phillips’ wife. According to Phillips, Hundley became “obsessive and delusional” after he dumped her, and really how could you not, I mean, he’s STEVE PHILLIPS.

Unfortunately, she has hidden her profile picture on Facebook, but there is always Myspace, and so you can get an idea of what she looks like to the left or by going HERE. Helen of Troy she is not.

NYMETS2KS9Hundley met Phillips while working on a St. Louis Cardinals game on July 13th, “Over a three-week span, I had a total of three sexual encounters with her,” Phillips told police. “Those were the only times I spent any time alone with her.”

Apparently Steve Phillips has some kind of raw animal magnetism, or she has a couple screws loose, because Hundley started harassing Phillips’ wife Marni on August 5th with text messages and phone calls. “The tone of the text message was, ‘I care about Steve, I make him happy, and we both can’t have him,’ ” Marni said.

Brooke HundleyAt the same time Hundley was attempting to contact one of Phillips’ sons through Facebook, posing as a high school friend and then trying to find out information about his parents like if they slept in the same bed, if they were fighting and whether he thought they were going to get divorced. Which makes sense considering her LinkedIn profile claims she has “Extensive knowledge in new and emerging technologies especially in social networks.”

Hundley also came to Phillips’ Connecticut home leaving a letter for Marni and sitting in her car outside the home. When Marni arrived home with her 7-year-old son, Hundley attempted to speed off, slamming into a stone column, damaging the rear end of her car before driving away.

In the letter, Hundley details her affair with Phillips, and mentions “a big birthmark on his crotch . . . and one on his left inner thigh, so you know I’m not being fake.” So now you have that image in your head. Enjoy!

Who knew Steve Phillips had such a pull on the ladies. Of course, this isn’t the first time Li’l Steve has gone where he shouldn’t, while he was GM of the Mets he had to take a brief leave of absence after word of an affair with an employee came out and she sued him for sexual harassment. ESPN has suspended Phillips for a week, which is the most merciful thing to ever happen to baseball fans. Marni meanwhile has filed for divorce and Phillips has already deeded over their home to her.

[NY Post]

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The Slanch Report has started an online petition asking the MLB Network to air the Dock Ellis no-hitter he threw on June 12, 1970 against the San Diego Padres. The moment was a seminal piece of baseball history and is certainly worthy of being rerun.

Please join us in this cause and sign the petition below so we can all share in this special and fantastic moment of baseball history. THANKS!

October 2009
