Posts Tagged ‘Steve Phillips


Gammons is Leaving ESPN

After 20 years, Peter Gammons has decided to leave ESPN following this week’s Winter Meetings. In a statement he released through ESPN, Gammons said that:

My decision to leave ESPN and move on at this point in my life has been conflicted. I owe a great deal of my professional life to ESPN, having spent more than half of my 40 years in journalism working for the network, and the choice to move on was made with nothing but the strongest feelings for the people with whom I worked. ESPN gave me a great deal more than I gave it, and will always be a huge part of who I am.

First, I have to imagine that ESPN didn’t fire Gammons, because let’s face it, the dude is a legend and should be able to work as long as he wants. So, why is he leaving? Is he still feeling unwell from his stroke a few years ago? Could this be a precursor to a move to MLB Network? If they don’t go after him incredibly hard it’s just foolish.

Regardless, Gammons remains one of the best baseball men out there and from reading his column every Sunday in the Boston Globe to today, he’s always been one of my favorites.

In the meantime, what does this do to ESPN’s baseball coverage, they’ve now lost Gammons and Steve Phillips and I’m guessing Ravech leaves as soon as his contract is up to go to MLB.



Gammons is joining BOTH MLB Network and NESN!


A Guest Opinion on L’Affaire Steve Phillips

brooke2Loyal reader and sometime commenter RowdyRoddyPaulper is a man who enjoys an adult beverage every now and again. Regardless, he is hilarious at all times, when he sent me a drunken email about Steve Phillips late last night I just KNEW I had to post it. So, below is the full text of the email, enjoy it as much as I have.

I recently (like yesterday) read up on the whole Steve Phillips/ugly PA story. Let me address a few issues I have that you may or may not have addressed:

1) One article (possibly (I’m a drunk-and currently drunk-so I forget things)) said that the Steve Phillips’ “issue” was a symptom of ESPN being a post-grad frathouse. Fine. When I think of ESPN, I think frathouse. But the Steve Phillips situation proves the opposite point. Frathouses like hot girls. Also, hot girls semi-unfortunately like frathouses. Brooke Hundley is a 4 (with makeup…a shitload of makeup). If ESPN were a true working-place frathouse, Brooke Hundley would have never gotten a job there unless her dad is some sort of high-ranking Disney exec. Even still though…

Brooke Hundley was probably hired by a woman who didn’t want her job threatened… which leads me to my next point…

2) WOMEN ARE HIRING PA’s AT ESPN. This is absurd. I’ve worked in TV for a while and have learned that lucky guys and hot women get jobs (entry-level on up). I’ve been unemployed for over a month now and am more than certain my average looks are to blame. I’m not mad at this. Hell, given hiring power, I’d hire the entire Brazzers roster over all those overqualified, eggheaded, coke-snorting (not the fun kind), Ivy League fruitcakes. We can safely say that although ESPN may have long ago been a glorious frathouse, they’ve been eaten alive by Title IX loving, Teva sandal wearing, women. These ladies have pulled one of the most successful coups of all time in my opinion.

3) My third point is in no way affiliated with my first two points. Hypothetical situation: you’re Steve Phillips, you’re married, and your wife isn’t satisfying your many complex man-needs. Where do you go? Instinct says you go to the hottest piece of ass that will let you bone her. Instinct is, in this case, wrong. Hot girls have entitlement issues, low self-esteem, and bodies that you would kill your best friend over. And they WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS. They’ll either tell your wife at a highly inappropriate time and/or wear an adult diaper and drive across many, many states with the intent to harm you. Fortunately for you, Steve Phillips, ugly ladies are generally much less problematic. They’re just happy for attention. They have vaginas and those vaginas are fun. Hot girls have vaginas but they come at a higher price.

Steve Phillips fucked a fat girl because she gave him the things his wife would not. And he thought these things were free. And they usually are when a fat girl is involved. But the fat girl went BAT SHIT CRAZY! This is highly unusual. One can only assume her dad actually is a high ranking Disney exec (hence the entitlement) and my whole argument is ruined. If I were actually employed, this email would’ve been a huge waste of time.


Phillips Enters Sex Addiction Rehab, Sounds Like Fun!

Steve-phillips-fired-from-espn(1)After being unceremoniously canned by ESPN late Sunday night, now-former BBTN analyst Steve Phillips did the only super cliche thing left to him, enter a rehab facility. Because after all, the American public will forgive and forget ANYTHING so long as you at least make a cursory “attempt” to get help. This isn’t a PR ploy though, after all, Steve

“really needs help, and this was the best way to do it,” said his agent, Steve Lefkowitz, in describing his decision to attend a high-priced facility — in a mystery location — that specializes in sex-addiction treatment.

“It was a bid to keep his life. He’s going in for an illness,” Lefkowitz said. “The problem is, he fell off the wagon.”

I had no idea there were high-priced facilities to treat sex-addiction, I just thought you send someone off to one of the Hedonism resorts and let them sate their appetites for a week. I know sex addiction is a real issue that can be a hardship for many people, but it’s hard to look at as anything but fun. I mean, if you’re a sex addict and you get sent to a place filled with other sex addicts is a bad idea, especially when you’ve had a vasectomy and anything goes. Unless of course you have terrible taste in women. Uh-oh! Steve Phillips is in trouble…

[NY Post]



OK, One More Item on Steve Phillips’ Talent Evaluation Skills

WrightCruz One of my favorite baseball writers/evaluators is ESPN’s Keith Law who writes extremely well, is smart, witty, snarky and an excellent judge of talent (even if he doesn’t like Anna’s Tacqueria); I trust his eye. During his time as a special assistant to JP Ricciardi in Toronto he witnessed any number of interesting and bizarre choices by his GM, including passing on Troy Tulowitzki in favor of Ricky Romero. Sure, Romero has come on recently and looks to be a good pitcher, but Tulo is a 30 HR Gold Glove shortstop and those simply don’t grow on trees.

Anyhoo, in his chat yesterday on ESPN, Keith Law dropped this little nugget that absolutely FLOORED me:

Eddie (Milwaukee): What was Steve Phillips thinking? Almost trading a 19 year old David Wright for Jose Cruz Jr.? Ridiculous.

Klaw: I’ve been asked about that trade rumor for three years but never answered while Ricciardi was still GM. The offer was made, though; I was there when the call came in. It was the first time I’d heard of Wright, since I wasn’t with Toronto in 2001 nor had I followed the draft when Wright was in it. JP’s reaction was, “I’m not trading a major league player for some guy in the Sally League.” And that was pretty much that. We had a chance to trade Cruz after that for Rafael Soriano, but JP refused to do it unless Seattle included Clint Nageotte, who, at the time, was a pretty hot prospect. It’s weird; I can’t remember some things that happened last week but I remember those conversations (over seven years ago now) like they just took place.

This makes BOTH Phillips and Ricciardi look bad. I can’t believe Stevie-boy offered D-Wright for Jose Cruz Jr. who had his best year as a rookie and then never followed up on it. This is the same Jose Cruz Jr. who is OUT OF THE LEAGUE, and the David Wright who is a regular pre-season MVP pick and one of the best young players in the game (if he ever gets his power stroke back.) Wow. WOW. WOW.



One Last Thing on Steve Phillips and His Lady-Love

I wish I could take credit for this line, but it comes from commenter Garnold.


Looking at Steve Phillips’ paramour Brooke Hundley all of a sudden Phillips’ talent evaluation “skills” with the Mets make a lot more sense.


Steve Phillips Puts the Screw to an ESPN Staffer


Former Mets GM and current ESPN baseball “analyst” Steve Phillips has been suspended by the WWL after details of an affair he had with a 22-year-old production assistant came out. The young lady, Brooke Hundley, apparently was distraught when Phillips broke things off with her and began calling and texting Phillips’ wife. According to Phillips, Hundley became “obsessive and delusional” after he dumped her, and really how could you not, I mean, he’s STEVE PHILLIPS.

Unfortunately, she has hidden her profile picture on Facebook, but there is always Myspace, and so you can get an idea of what she looks like to the left or by going HERE. Helen of Troy she is not.

NYMETS2KS9Hundley met Phillips while working on a St. Louis Cardinals game on July 13th, “Over a three-week span, I had a total of three sexual encounters with her,” Phillips told police. “Those were the only times I spent any time alone with her.”

Apparently Steve Phillips has some kind of raw animal magnetism, or she has a couple screws loose, because Hundley started harassing Phillips’ wife Marni on August 5th with text messages and phone calls. “The tone of the text message was, ‘I care about Steve, I make him happy, and we both can’t have him,’ ” Marni said.

Brooke HundleyAt the same time Hundley was attempting to contact one of Phillips’ sons through Facebook, posing as a high school friend and then trying to find out information about his parents like if they slept in the same bed, if they were fighting and whether he thought they were going to get divorced. Which makes sense considering her LinkedIn profile claims she has “Extensive knowledge in new and emerging technologies especially in social networks.”

Hundley also came to Phillips’ Connecticut home leaving a letter for Marni and sitting in her car outside the home. When Marni arrived home with her 7-year-old son, Hundley attempted to speed off, slamming into a stone column, damaging the rear end of her car before driving away.

In the letter, Hundley details her affair with Phillips, and mentions “a big birthmark on his crotch . . . and one on his left inner thigh, so you know I’m not being fake.” So now you have that image in your head. Enjoy!

Who knew Steve Phillips had such a pull on the ladies. Of course, this isn’t the first time Li’l Steve has gone where he shouldn’t, while he was GM of the Mets he had to take a brief leave of absence after word of an affair with an employee came out and she sued him for sexual harassment. ESPN has suspended Phillips for a week, which is the most merciful thing to ever happen to baseball fans. Marni meanwhile has filed for divorce and Phillips has already deeded over their home to her.

[NY Post]


ESPN Fails

ESPN must be trying really hard to make sure that their Sunday Baseball broadcasts are watched with the sound down next season. Watching the games was hard enough already with just Joe Morgan and Jon Miller, there is only so much inane talk that can be withstood; but ESPN is announcing today that they will be adding a third man into the booth, Steve Phillips.

The same Phillips who was fired as the Mets’ GM, the same Steve Phillips who has broadcast games for about two years on ESPN and is yet to add a cogent point, the same Steve Phillips who adds NOTHING to every baseball segment he’s been a part of since he joined ESPN. Sounds like a good plan to me!

Now, the Sunday games, which are supposed to be the biggest showcase of the game will feature a broadcasting team that will be completely unlistenable, I wonder if the Nielsen’s can register that the sound is down? What ever happened to the removing of Morgan from Sundays? Is there truly no god?



When He Finishes, He’ll Wear the Little Helmet too

The other day on Baseball Tonight, Steve Phillips broke down some of the differences in Travis Hafner’s swing to figure out why he went from 42 homers to his less awesome current 20 homer version. Of course, it being from Steve Phillips, not a whole lot of knowledge was gained. However, within the piece apparently the Worldwide Leader decided that it wasn’t enough to show Hafner’s woes, but they had to drag the good people of Cleveland into it as well.



Sure, Hafner has been struggling, but did ESPN need to show how he is driving this local denizen into a diabetic coma? This man just wants to drown his sorrows in a helmet of ice cream. We’ve all been there. I remember back in the Butch Hobson managing era for the Red Sox downing helmet after helmet, trying to wash away the acrid taste of his failures. It’s hard being a little kid sometimes. The guy above though is no kid, he’s just a plump midwesterner trying to forget. I wish ESPN would have let his secret shame moment pass into obscurity but alas, they aren’t that thoughtful.

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